Change Log

Rule changes as of the 2023 online release.

Change Log

This is for all of the play-testers out there. Wondering what happened to the spell or ability you knew? Here's where you can find all rule changes made to any part of the Altered Realms Tabletop RPG as of the 2023 online release.

Wound Healer

Alteration: The Chosen Archetype's Ability known as "Wound Healer" now can only remove wounds out of combat. During combat it instead can end bleeding or suppress the effects of a wound for a short time.

See Wound Healer for changes.

Reason: The ability could easily be abused when used in combination with low mana cost healing spells. This change keeps the devastation of wounds but allows the ability to reduce the amount of time a character must suffer from the condition as intended.


Alteration: The Action "Recuperate" no longer regenerates an ARP point but instead converts 1 ARP to another. The restriction to use this action only during combat has been removed.

See Recuperate for changes.

Reason: The temptation to remain in or prolong combat in order to regain points was too great. This change removes any kind of in combat, out of combat shifts that break immersion. It also allows characters to utilize more of their ARP points.

Grapples - Throws - Pushes - Pulls - Drags - Trips

Alteration: The term "Contested Roll" no longer exists in the ruleset and has been replaced by an Attack Action that substitutes Damage for an Effect.

In addition to this, the rules for grappling have been enhanced and now include rules for multiple grapples and dog piles.

See Grapples for changes.

Reason: The Contested Roll is almost never used. Players and Narrators tend to need to look up the rule every time since it is so rarely encountered in most campaigns. So, we removed it. We believe the replacement is more intuitive, and relies on less rolls and rule checks being made. This creates less of a diversion from the standard gameplay and overall fun.

Dual Wielding

Alteration: Dual Wielding has been reduced to granting +1 AC, while wielding 2 Melee weapons at once, rather than +2 and remains otherwise unchanged.

See Dual Wielder for changes.

Reason: Many species have access to multiple pairs of arms and could easily abuse and stack the bonus granted to AC. In addition to this, there are many ways to increase AC in the game already. Shields, Armors and Archetypes, just to name a few. This change makes the above still possible, but no longer game breaking. 

Throwing Objects

Alteration: The rules for throwing, tossing and catching objects have been enhanced and include a DC and failure table for long throws.

See Throwing Objects for changes.

Reason: Players often attempt to do this sort of thing in game and it seemed prudent to have concreate guidelines for how this type of "Hail Mary" situation should be handled.

Wounds Revamped

Alteration: Wounds have been revamped to be more unique and devastating.

See Wounds for changes.

Reason: Wounds become more rare at higher levels as creature gain more HP and gain means of reducing or avoiding damage. We feel that it's important that they feel significant at all levels.

Evocation Spell Balancing

Alteration: Many of the Tier I, II and III Evocation spells have been slightly reworded, and have had minor buffs and damage increases added.

See Evocation Spells for changes.

Reason: Arcane spells were one of the 1st sets of spells created. As others have been made the power level of spells has ramped to accommodate more forms of magic and methods of casting. We're simply catching arcane spells back up to the level of other magic type's damage spells and making every option viable, rather than a few clear winners.

Witchcraft Spell Balancing

Alteration: Many of the Tier I, II and III Witchcraft Spells have had their damages reduced or increased, depending on type. For instance: spells with Psychic Damage have had their damages slightly reduced. While spells with Burn or Blunt Damage have had their damages slightly increased.

See Witchcraft for changes.

Reason: Playtesting has revealed that psychic damage should be doled out sparingly since it cannot be subtracted from armor. Damage types such as Burn, Blunt, Slash and Puncture can be reduced through resistances and are typically not bypassing Armor. This redistribution of damage should help balance gameplay for both lower and higher level Witches and Warlocks.

Automatons Gain "Non-Organic" Trait

Alteration: The Trait possessed by all Automatons known as "Damage Immunities" has been replaced with the "Non-Organic" Trait. This Trait adds additional text that states that "You(automatons) cannot gain benefits from food or drink. You cannot gain healing or effects from medicine, potions, poisons, poultices or salves."

See any Automaton entry for changes.

Reason: There was text that insinuated that there was no benefit from sustenance on many automaton entries, but no rules that outright stated otherwise. This has been revised to reflect the ideas and intentions behind the species and maintain its balance within the game.