Yum-Yum Fruit

Cause a nearby plant to bear healing fruit.

Tier I - Druid Spell

Cause a nearby plant to magically bear fruit with healing properties.

Spell Tier I
Action Type Action
Mana Cost 1
Range 5 Meters
Requirements Voice, 1 Free Hand
Sustain No
Traits Audible, Visible

There is no fruit quite so sweet and satisfying as the yum-yum fruit.

Effect: Target a Medium or larger item sized Tree, Shrub, Bush or Cactus within Range. Using your Action you cause the plant to instantly grow 1d4 Yum-Yum Fruit. No plant can produce more than 4 yum-yum fruit in a 12 hour period of time. Creatures can consume fresh Yum-Yum fruit to regain 1d4 HP. The Fruit has the Food Traits “Sweet” and “Sustenance”, and will spoil within 12 hours of growing. Preserving the fruit eliminates the healing effect but they retain their Food Traits.

Overpower: The caster can spend 1 additional Mana to increase the Range of this Spell by 5 Meters,

Or cause an additional plant within Range to be targeted by the effect of this spell,

Or add +2 to the Healing the Yum-Yum Fruit grants with this instance of the spell,

Or add an additional Food Trait of the caster’s choosing to the Yum-Yum Fruit grown using this instance of the spell,

Or increase this instance of the yum-yum fruit’s shelf life by 6 hours.