Weather Manipulation

You imbue a portion of the sky with stabilizing magical energies.

Tier III - Hedge - Witchcraft

You imbue a portion of the sky with stabilizing magical energies.

Spell Tier III
Action Type 1 Hour Incantation
Mana Cost 4
Range 1 Kilometer
Requirements Voice, 2 Free Hand
Sustainable 1 Mana(Mandatory)
Spell Traits Audible, Visible

Effect : You imbue a 1 Kilometer Section of sky with the desired Weather Conditions. It remains this way until you are no longer sustaining this Spell. Choose 1 from the Table below.

Weather Effects
Sunny Increases local Temperature to the next highest Climate Conditions and increases the Growth Rate of local Plant Life.
Overcast Decreases local Temperature to the next lowest Climate Conditions and decreases the Growth Rate of local Plant Life.
Rain Decreases local Temperature to the next lowest Climate Conditions, Creates Puddles and Runoff streams and gets creatures that go out in it Wet. 
Snow Decreases local Temperature 2 Climate Conditions lower, Creates snow accumulation and Kills Plantlife not resistant to Frost.
Wind Decreases local Temperature to the next lowest Climate Conditions, outside conditions are considered to be Windy.

Sustain : After casting this spell you are considered to be Sustaining this Spell and Cannot Stop Sustaining it unless you choose to do so, or start any of your turns with 0 Mana. You do stop sustaining this spell if you are rendered unconscious, killed or Fail 2 death saving throws you are considered to stop sustaining this spell. You may Stop sustaining this spell at any time using a Motion or Reaction.

Overpower : The Caster can spend 1 additional Mana to increase the Range of this Spell by 1 Kilometer.