Unseen Dragon Strike

A strike so fast, it is nearly impossible to avoid.

Tier I - Zen - Chi Technique

A strike so fast, it is nearly impossible to avoid.

Invocation Tier I
Action Type Attack Action 
Chi Cost 1
Range Melee
Requirements 1 Free Hand
Sustain No
Traits Visible, Audible

You concentrate a burst of chi into your limb during a strike, drastically increasing the speed of the strike.

Effect: Make a Melee Attack vs a target within Range with a Destiny Die Added. If you Critically Hit with this Technique’s Attack Roll you regain 1 Attack Action.

Overpower: The caster can spend 1 additional Chi to Overpower this Technique and Increase their Attack Roll by +2,

Or add 1d6 Damage of the same type to this Attack’s Damage Roll.