Underworld Transformation

Allows the caster to temporarily take on an Underworld Shape or Form.

Tier III - Underworld - Witchcraft

Allows the caster to temporarily take on an Underworld Shape or Form.

Spell Tier III
Action Type Full Round Action
Mana Cost 3
Range Personal
Requirements Voice, 1 Free Hand
Sustainable No
Spell Traits Audible, Visible

Effect: The Caster takes on the form of the Underworld Creature of Level 7 or lower their choice.

The caster uses that Creature's Stats and Abilities until the form is Reduced to 0 HP or the Caster Drops the Transformation using a Motion or Reaction.

The Caster is not dealt damage until the HP of the Underworld Form they currently inhabit is Reduced to 0 HP. Any Damage in excess of the underworld form’s HP is dealt directly to the caster’s HP.

Overpower: The Caster can spend 1 additional Mana to increase the level of their Transformation Creature by 1,

Or Increase the HP of the Summoned Creature by 10.