Spell Wall

Enchants a wall or structure preventing spells of lower Mana Cost than Spell Wall to fail when attempting to pass through.

Tier II - Enchantment - Spell

Enchants a wall or structure preventing spells of lower Mana Cost than Spell Wall to fail when attempting to pass through.

Spell Tier II
Action Type Action
Mana Cost 2
Range Touch
Requirements One Free Hand, Unenchanted Item
Sustain 2 Mana
Spell Traits Audible, Visible

Description: You pour warding mana into a non-magical wall or structure.

Effect: The caster creates a number of meters of Spell Wall equal to 10 + Spellcasting Modifier.

Each section of spell wall prevents all spells of a Mana cost equal to or lower than Spell Wall’s Combined Cast/Overpower cost from passing through or penetrating the spell wall in any way.

Spells that exceed that cost still Fail, but cause the spell wall to collapse. Matter can pass through the spell wall, but not matter that has been imbued with magic, such as enchanted items.

Overpower: The caster can spend 1 additional Mana to increase the size of spell wall by 5 Meters, Or Increase the strength of the Spell Wall.

Permanency: Casting this spell on the same Surface or Wall 30 times in 30 days or less allows the enchantment to become permanent. If the enchanter wants to overpower this spell permanently they must pay the spell cost plus the overpower cost 30 times in 30 days or less.

Contains 1 Charge of the Spell, Recharges a new charge in 6 hours once empty.