
Allows the caster to remotely view a person, place or thing.

Tier II - Divination - Spell

Allows the caster to remotely view a person, place or thing.

Spell Tier II
Action Type Action
Mana Cost 2
Range Varies
Requirements One Free Hand
Sustain 2 Mana
Spell Traits Audible, Visible / Semi-visible

Description: You draw a lens of energy over your eyes or on a reflective surface and an image starts to form.

Effect: The caster can remotely view and hear from a chosen location with which they are familiar. The target must be within 60 + caster Intellect or Wisdom Modifier Kilometers of their current location in order to connect. The connection lasts until the end of the caster’s next turn or until this spell is no longer being sustained.

Overpower: The caster can spend 1 additional Mana to increase the range of this spell by 20 + caster Intellect or Wisdom Modifier Kilometers.

If the caster spends 2 or more Mana Overpowering Scry they may target a person or creature with which they are familiar instead of a location.

If the caster spends 3 or more Mana Overpowering Scry the range is increased to include their entire Planet or Region of Space.

If the caster spends 4 or more Mana Overpowering Scry the range is increased to include the entire realm or dimension.