Psychic Vampirism

A Single Target Spell that Steals Hit Points from a creature.

Tier II - Outsider - Witchcraft

A Single Target Spell that Steals Hit Points from a creature.

Spell Tier II
Action Type Action 
Mana Cost 2
Range 10 Meters
Requirements Voice, 1 Free Hand
Sustain No
Spell Traits Audible, Visible

Effect : Choose a creature within range, that creature must Roll an Intellect Saving Throw, the DC is equal to the Caster’s Spell Save DC. Creatures that Fail the Saving Throw lose 1d6 + Spellcasting Modifier Hit Points and the Caster Regains an Equal amount of HP. Creatures who Pass the saving throw lose ½ as much HP and the Caster Regains an Equal amount of HP.

Overpower : The Caster can spend 1 additional Mana to increase the Range of this Spell by 5 Meters,

Or increase DC for this Spells Saving Throw by 2,

Or Increase the Effect of this Spell by 2 HP,

Or target 1 additional Creature in range with this spell’s effect.