Psionic Ignorance

Cause a creature to ignore the caster’s presence.

Tier I - Illusion - Spell

Cause a creature to ignore the caster’s presence.

Spell Tier I
Action Type Action / Reaction
Mana Cost 1
Range 10 Meters
Requirements One Free Hand
Sustain 1 Mana
Spell Traits Imperceptible

Description: You briefly invade the mind of a target and cause them to ignore your presence.

Effect: Choose a non-hostile, living creature within range.

The target creature must pass a Wisdom on Intellect Saving throw equal to the caster’s Save DC or suffer the full effect of this spell.

Fail: The non-hostile creature considers the caster to be Invisible. This effect lasts until the end of the caster’s next turn or until this spell is no longer being sustained.

Invisible - Creatures in this state add a Destiny Die to all Stealth Skill Rolls and are considered to make those stealth skill rolls with a miscellaneous +5. They can still be detected via scent, tracks and other evidence. If the caster damages the target in any way the creature automatically becomes aware of their presence. The creature will still notice if things are altered by the caster within their line of sight.

Pass: The target is unaffected.

Overpower: The caster can spend 1 additional mana to increase the Wisdom Save DC to resist this spell’s effect by 2,

Or to have the target creature ignore 1 additional creature within range,

Or to target an additional creature within range with the effect of this spell.