

Players and creatures can start the game with, or gain Notoriety with certain Governments, City-states, Towns, Locales, Connections, Guilds or any other significantly large information passing group of individuals during the course of their campaign. Notoriety can be a double edged sword, as the higher it is for an individual the more likely it is they will be identified by reputation. This allows them to partake in and be recognized by certain factions but it also ensures the difficulty of becoming or remaining anonymous in areas controlled by those factions.

A creature or player can have a Notoriety Level that ranges from, Insignificant, Low, Medium and then to High. The Table below can be used as a reference for what to expect from the different levels of Notoriety.

Notoriety Table

Notoriety Level Unprompted Recognizability Prompted Recognizability 
Insignificant 0% Chance of Recognition 0% Chance of Recognition
Low 10% Chance of Recognition 20% Chance of Recognition
Medium 25% Chance of Recognition 45% Chance of Recognition
High 50% Chance of Recognition 90% Chance of Recognition