Seeker Bolt

Generates an Arcane Bolt that, once launched, homes in on the selected target with unerring precision.

Tier II - Evocation - Spell

Generates an Arcane Bolt that, once launched, homes in on the selected target with unerring precision.

Spell Tier II
Action Type Action
Mana Cost 2
Range 20 Meters
Requirements Two Free Hands
Sustain No
Spell Traits Loud, Visible

Description: You summon a surge of collected energy into a ball between your two outstretched hands, filling it with malicious intent and visions of your target, before launching it with incredible speed and uncanny precision.

Effect: Select a Visible Target within Range. Seeker Bolt Travels up to 20 Meters, Avoiding all Obstacles and Cover and Strikes the Target. The Target of this Spell is Dealt 3d10 + Caster Modifier Puncture Damage.

Overpower: The Caster can spend 1 additional Mana to Overpower this Spell, increasing the Damage this Spell deals by 1d8 Puncture Damage,

Or increasing the Range of this Spell by 5 Meters,

Or Add Armor Piercing(Target cannot subtract damage from armor) to this spell's effect.

The Caster can spend 2 additional Mana to generate another Seeker Bolt and increases the number of Targets permitted by this Spell by 1.