Hellfrost Bomb

A Ranged Area Attack that summons forth an explosion of supernatural Frost.

Tier III - Underworld - Witchcraft

A Ranged Area Attack that summons forth an explosion of supernatural Frost.

Spell Tier III
Action Type Action
Mana Cost 3
Range 1 Meter Blast within 20 Meters
Requirements Voice, 1 Free Hand
Sustainable No
Spell Traits Audible, Visible

Effect: Designate 1 Meter Blast within Range. Creatures in the selected Area Must Roll a Dexterity or Constitution Saving Throw, the DC is equal to the Caster Spell Save DC.

Creatures that Fail are dealt 3d6 Frost Damage.

Creatures that Pass receive ½ this Spells Damage.

Special: Wounds inflicted by this spell cause the target to become Frozen in addition to any other Effects.

Overpower: The Caster can spend 1 additional Mana to increase the Range of this Spell by 5 Meters,

Or Increase the Blast Area of this Spell by 1 Meter,

Or add 5 Frost Damage to this Spells Fail Effect,

Or Increase the Spell Save DC for this Casting of the Spell by 2.