
Generates an explosion of colorful glitter.

Tier II - Illusion - Spell

Potentially causes the target to begin wildly Hallucinating.

Spell Tier II
Action Type Action
Mana Cost 2
Range 10 Meters
Requirements Voice, One Free Hand
Sustain No
Spell Traits Audible, Visible

Description: You attempt to invade your opponent's mind and manipulate their senses.

Effect: Designate 1 Target Creature within Range. 

The Target must Roll an Intellect Saving Throw. The DC is equal to the caster’s Spell Save DC.

Fail: If the Target Fails the Saving Throw they immediately start suffering from the Hallucinating Condition. The caster can influence the Hallucination as they wish but cannot cause it to gain additional effects or conditions such as blinded or frightened. The affected creature may Roll another Intellect Saving Throw at the end of each of their Turns. If they Pass the Caster Spell Save DC they cease to suffer from the Hallucinating Condition.

Pass: If the Target Passes the Saving Throw they are unaffected. 

Overpower: The caster can spend 1 additional mana to increase the Spell Save DC of this instance of the spell by 2,

Or increase the Range on this instance of the spell by 5 Meters,

Or Target 1 Additional Creature within Range with the Effects of this Spell.