
Halflings resemble humans in many ways, they have similar hair, skin and eye colorations and a similar body structure. Halflings differ in that they have an average height of about 1 meter, have very curly hair and very large wide leathery soled feet.


Small / Humanoid / Biped


Halflings resemble humans in many ways, they have similar hair, skin and eye colorations and a similar body structure. Halflings differ in that they have an average height of about 1 meter, have very curly hair and very large wide leathery soled feet. Because of this many halflings find shoes of any kind to be horribly uncomfortable and prefer to go barefoot whenever possible. Halflings' features tend to be softer and rounder and their ears are slightly pointed. Curly hair is common. Most Halflings have thick hair or the topsides of their feet and toes. Beards are not considered to be a halfling trait and most cannot grow anything more than sideburns.


Peace Loving

Halflings as a rule desire just a little bit of peace and quiet. Which is not to say that they are unwilling or unable to fight in times of strife. Quite the contrary in fact, for so strong is their desire to return to their relaxed lifestyle that they will fight all the harder to return things to a state of peace.

Commune Society

Halflings believe in helping your neighbor when it's needed and most halfling societies are notoriously generous to those they consider to be part of the community. Going as far as to help new arrivals construct a home in their settlement and making sure they have plenty to eat until they become self-sufficient.


Choose a subspecies from the options below.

Underwall Halfling

Small / Humanoid / Biped

Average Height 100 cm
Average Weight 60 kg
Lifespan 150-200 Years
Age of Adulthood 21
Attribute Modifiers +2 DEX
Movement Speed 5 Meters W
Movement Types Walking
Creature Size / HP Die Type Small / d6
Languages Your choice and Uman


The most warlike of the halflings, underwall halflings are essentially an entire culture of nomadic mercenaries. They hire themselves out as thieves, burglars, saboteurs and assassins and are highly sought after wherever they roam. Many halflings feel that underwall halflings are giving people the wrong impression about halflings and their values. Underwall halflings are of the opinion that it's work that needs doing and if they didn’t do it somebody else would come by and do a sloppier job.


Leather Foot

All halflings have leathery soles on their feet and can comfortably walk on most any surface without the assistance of boots or shoes. Hazardous terrain still affects halfling feet.

Gain +4 to your max HP.

Naturally Stealthy

Due to their small size and light step most halflings have a natural talent for stealth.

All Halflings gain a miscellaneous +2 to Stealth Skill Rolls.

Keen Eyes

Underwall halflings tend to have exceptional vision and depth perception. Gain +1 to all Ranged Attack Rolls and a +1 to Perception Skill Rolls.


Lucky Little Folk

More than anything, underwall halflings owe their success to one thing, exceptional and seemingly miraculous individual luck. For whatever reason all underwall halflings are unusually lucky and tend to survive and succeed in situations that were heavily weighed against them.

Gain 1 Destiny Die that can be used on any d20 die roll. Once the die has been used it cannot be used again for the next 1d4 hours.

Hillside Halfling

Small / Humanoid / Biped

Average Height 100 cm
Average Weight 60 kg
Lifespan 150-200 Years
Age of Adulthood 21
Attribute Modifiers +2 WIS
Movement Speed 5 Meters W
Movement Types Walking
Creature Size / HP Die Type Small / d6
Languages Your choice and Uman


What most people think of when they hear the word "halfling". Hillside halflings tend to settle in lush meadows, building their homes directly into the hills. They love to grow food and bake new delicacies with their milled flours and sugars. They are often highly sought after as celerity chefs and bakers.


Leather Foot

All halflings have leathery soles on their feet and can comfortably walk on most any surface without the assistance of boots or shoes. Hazardous terrain still affects halfling feet.

Gain +4 to your max HP.

Large Appetites

Halflings boast an incredible appetite for their small size and many have speculated that this is due to an exceptionally high metabolism.

You suffer from the Hungry Status Effect every 3 Hours minus your CON modifier, and cannot become Hungry more than once per hour. Food Traits effects duration reduced by ½.

Gain +2 HP per instance to all Healing Gained.

Naturally Stealthy

Due to their small size and light step most halflings have a natural talent for stealth. All Halflings gain a miscellaneous +2 to Stealth Skill Rolls.

Keen Ears

Hillside halflings tend to have exceptional hearing. Gain a miscellaneous +2 to Perception Skill Rolls

Cobblefoot Halfling

Small / Humanoid / Biped

Average Height 100 cm
Average Weight 60 kg
Lifespan 150-200 Years
Age of Adulthood 21
Attribute Modifiers +2 DEX
Movement Speed 5 Meters W
Movement Types Walking
Creature Size / HP Die Type Small / d6
Languages Your choice and Uman


The cobblefoot halflings tend to be the most integrated of their kind. Often living alongside humans and other species in large cities. Many of their kin delight in the crafting of new things and the restoration of old ones. They are highly sought after as Cobblers, Tailors, Jewelers, Scribes and Quality Inspectors.


Leather Foot

All halflings have leathery soles on their feet and can comfortably walk on most any surface without the assistance of boots or shoes. Hazardous terrain still affects halfling feet.

Gain +4 to your max HP.

Large Appetites

Halflings boast an incredible appetite for their small size and many have speculated that this is due to an exceptionally high metabolism.

You suffer from the Hungry Status Effect every 3 Hours minus your CON modifier, and cannot become Hungry more than once per hour. Food Traits effects duration reduced by ½.

Gain +2 HP per instance to all Healing Gained.

Naturally Stealthy

Due to their small size and light step most halflings have a natural talent for stealth. All Halflings gain a miscellaneous +2 to Stealth Skill Rolls.

Nimble Fingers

Cobblefoot halflings tend to have exceptionally nimble fingers Gain a miscellaneous +2 to Fine Motor Skill Rolls.

Brandywine Halfling

Small / Humanoid / Biped

Average Height 100 cm
Average Weight 60 kg
Lifespan 150-200 Years
Age of Adulthood 21
Attribute Modifiers +2 CHA
Movement Speed 5 Meters W
Movement Types Walking
Creature Size / HP Die Type Small / d6
Languages Your choice and Uman


Descendants of the upper crust of large halfling societies. Brandywine Halflings are seemingly natural experts in manners, etiquette and diplomacy. They often make for fine merchants, traders and diplomats.


Leather Foot

All halflings have leathery soles on their feet and can comfortably walk on most any surface without the assistance of boots or shoes. Hazardous terrain still affects halfling feet.

Gain +4 to your max HP.

Large Appetites

Halflings boast an incredible appetite for their small size and many have speculated that this is due to an exceptionally high metabolism.

You suffer from the Hungry Status Effect every 3 Hours minus your CON modifier, and cannot become Hungry more than once per hour. Food Traits effects duration reduced by ½.

Gain +2 HP per instance to all Healing Gained.

Naturally Stealthy

Due to their small size and light step most halflings have a natural talent for stealth. All Halflings gain a miscellaneous +2 to Stealth Skill Rolls.

Silver Tongued

Brandywine halflings tend to be eloquent and well spoken in all their dealings. Gain a miscellaneous +1 to all Charisma based Skill Rolls.