Feudal Age - Services

Contains cost and availability of all services present in the Feudal Age.

Feudal Age - Services


A list of the cost and availability of various services available in the Feudal Age.

Personal Type The Common Name for the Personnel Type Cost per Day The Cost per Day to Utilize the Services of a Personnel Type Hiring Cost The Cost per Year to Hire and Move Personnel for an Extended Period of Time Skill Level Represents the amount of time an effort it requires to train new Personnel Expertise The type of services you can expect from personnel of that type 
Baker 40-50 Silver 12,000 Silver Medium Prepares up to 60 Satiating Bread Loaves per day with 2 Servings Each
Cook 50-70 Silver 15,000 Silver Medium Prepares up to 2 Quality Meals per day with 8 Servings Each
Pastry Chef 100-200 Silver 30,000 Silver High Prepares up to 3 Sweet, Well Preserved Treats per Day with 5 Servings Each
Chef 100-300 Silver 35,000 Silver High Prepares up to 2 High Quality Meals per Day with 8 Servings Each
Blacksmith 100-300 Silver 32,000 Silver High Create or Repair Metal Items or Gear
Stablehand 40-60 Silver 13,000 Silver Medium Feeds and Cares for up to 6 Mounts a day
Servant 60-80 Silver 16,000 Silver Medium Carries out mundane tasks and services such as cleaning and delivering messages
Mercenary 100-500 Silver 38,000 Silver High Carries out non-Mundane Tasks such as Adventuring and Delving
Architect 300-500 Silver 40,000 Silver High Designs sound building designs for conventional Homes
Builder 40-60 Silver 10,000 Silver Medium Builds Constructions to an Architect or Engineers specifications, can Complete 2 Square Meters of Construction Per Day
Engineer 100-300 Silver 30,000 Silver High Designs Non-Home Constructions such as Tunnels and Forts.
Farmer 60-80 Silver 16,000 Silver High Works the Fields, Maintaining, Sowing and Harvesting Crops Year Round
Serf 20-30 Silver 5,000 Silver Low Does as you command in exchange for Room and Board.
Militia 70-90 Silver 10,000 Silver Medium Guards, Protects and Attacks what you Command