Control Undead

Allows the caster to gain control of an uncontrolled undead creature.

Tier I - Necromancy - Spell

Allows the caster to gain control of an uncontrolled undead creature.

Spell Tier I
Action Type Action
Mana Cost 1
Range 10 Meters
Requirements One Free Hand
Sustain 1 Mana
Spell Traits Audible, Visible

Description: You form a mana chain with a medium or smaller undead creature within Range.

Effect: Until the end of the Caster’s next turn or until this spell is no longer being sustained the Caster gains control of 1 medium  or smaller undead creature within Range and can issue commands such as: Attack, Stand Guard, Follow, Wait Here, Protect Me, Disassemble or Lay Down.The Undead Creature can begin acting the Round it is Controlled and always acts on the same turn as the Caster. *Losing or releasing control causes the undead to continue acting as they would normally. If the undead creature is sentient they may roll a Wisdom or Intellect Saving Throw to resist the effects of this spell. The DC is equal to the Spell Save DC of the caster. If they fail and become controlled they may roll a saving throw at the end of each of their turns to attempt to break free of the effects of this spell.

Overpower: The caster can spend 1 additional mana to increase the range of this Spell’s Effect by 5 meters,

Or increase the DC to resist this instance of the spell by 2,

Or gain control of an additional medium or smaller undead creature within Range,

Or instead gain control of a large sized undead creature within Range.