Control Undead

Attempt to assume direct control of an Undead Creature.

Tier I - Underworld - Invocation

Attempt to assume direct control of an Undead Creature.

Invocation Tier I
Action Type Action
Faith Cost 1
Range 10 Meters
Requirements Voice
Sustain 2 Faith
Traits Audible

You invoke the power of the underworld to bind an undead creature to your will.

Effect: Target an undead creature within Range. That creature must Roll a Wisdom Saving Throw. The DC is equal to the Casters Spell Save DC.

If the target Fails the Saving Throw the caster gains control of the undead creature’s Action, Movement and Motion until the end of the creature’s next turn or until this Invocation is no longer being sustained.

If the target Passes the Saving Throw they are unaffected.

Sustaining: At the start of each turn they are controlled(after the first), an undead creature affected by this Invocation may roll a Wisdom Saving Throw to attempt to break free of its control. If they meet or exceed the Spell Save DC for this instance of the Invocation they immediately break free of its effect and the invocation ends.

Overpower: The caster can spend 1 additional Faith to Overpower this Invocation and Increase its Range by 5 Meters, 

Or increase the DC to resist this instance of this Invocation by 2,

Or target 1 additional undead creature within Range with the Effect of this Invocation.