Conjure Water

Conjures a sample of random water from within the Realm.

Tier I - Conjuration - Spell

Conjures a few liters of random water from within the Realm.

Spell Tier I
Action Type Action or Spell Attack Action
Mana Cost 1
Range 10 Meters
Requirements Voice and 1 Free Hand
Sustain No
Spell Traits Audible, Visible

Description: With a small blast of Mana the caster summons a tight ball of a random sample of water from within their realm.

Effect: The caster summons a number of Liters of water equal to their Spellcasting Modifier into a container or unoccupied space within Range. There is a 10% chance that the water will be drinkable.

Spell Attack: You may use this summons as an Attack via a Spell Attack Action and Rolling a Ranged or Melee Spell Attack vs a target within Range. If you Hit the target takes 2 Blunt Damage per Liter of Water you Summon and is Considered to be Soaked. If a Medium or smaller Creature is Hit with 5 or more Liters of Water it must Pass a DC 15 or be Knocked Prone.

Overpower: The Caster can spend 1 additional Mana to Conjure an Additional 2 Liters of Water from the same source,

Or increase the Range of this spell by 5 Meters.