Conjure Electricity

Conjures several hundred volts of random electricity from within the Realm.

Tier II - Conjuration - Spell

Conjures several hundred volts of random electricity from within the Realm.

Spell Tier II
Action Type Action / Spell Attack Action / Spell Weapon
Mana Cost 2
Range 20 Meters
Requirements Voice and 1 Free Hand
Sustain No
Spell Traits Audible, Visible

Description: With a small blast of Mana you summon an arc of a random sample of electricity from within your realm.

Effect: A number of Volts of Electricity equal to your Spellcasting Modifier x10,000 is summoned into a container or unoccupied space within Range. There is a 10% chance that the electricity will be at the desired amperage.

Spell Attack: The caster may use this summons as an Attack via a Spell Attack Action and Rolling a Ranged or Melee Spell Attack vs a target within Range. If they Hit the target takes 1d10 Electrical Damage per 10,000 Volts of Electricity the caster summons.

Spell Weapon: After Expending a Motion, you may make melee attacks with this spell weapon until the end of your next turn or until this spell is no longer being sustained. The Weapon uses your Spellcasting Modifier + Training Bonus for Attack Rolls, Deals 1d4 Electrical Damage per 10,000 Volts Summoned and adds Spellcasting Modifier Damage on Hits.

Special: If a Medium or smaller Creature is Hit with 50,000 or more Volts of Electricity it must Pass a DC 16 Constitution Saving Throw or be Stunned until the end of their next turn. Electrical currents can travel 2 Meters through water per 10,000 Volters. Soaked Creatures are considered to be Vulnerable to Electrical Damage.

Overpower: The Caster can spend 1 additional Mana to Conjure an Additional 10,000 Volts of Electricity from the same source,

Or increase the Range of this spell by 5 Meters,

Or gain 1 additional Melee Attack Action using this Spell’s Weapon this Turn.