Check Stats

Allows the breaker to check the stats of another creature or character in order to gain an advantage.

Tier II - Fourth Wall Break

You peer at your targets stats or character sheet and are able to recall a single detail and use it to your advantage.

Break Tier II
Action Type Motion
ARP Cost 2
Range 10 Meters
Requirements Peer Through Active
Sustain No
Break Traits Imperceptible

Effect: You Peer at the Stats or Character Sheet of your Target. You may view a single section of a target's character sheet or stat block and have your character recall and use the information from a Single Stat, Attribute, Powers, Spell, Maneuver, Program, Ability, Trait or Piece of Equipment to their benefit.

Overpower: The Breaker can spend 1 additional Power Pool Point to increase the Range of this Break by 2 Meters.