Bronze Age - Assassin's Tools

Assassin tools of the trade.

Bronze Age - Assassin's Tools

Assassins Tools

Assassins Tools are rare in that they are only utilized by those with explicit intentions to murder.

There is no way that any of these tools could be mistaken as an instrument of self defense and their singular purpose is evident to all who discover their true nature.

Table of Assassins Tools

Assassin Tool Description Tool Type Traits Effects Cost
Garrote A 1-2 Meter  length of Piano Chord or Metal Wire. Strangulation Uncommon, Silent, Concealable, Tiny, Assassin Tool 1d8 Blunt Weapon that can only be used on Unaware Targets and Crits as long as it Hits 80 Silver
Assassin's Teapot An ornate teapot with a hidden compartment. Poison Delivery Uncommon,Silent, Small, DIsguised, Assassin Tool Has two chambers inside, one of which can be filled with poison and the user can choose when to pour which Chamber. 500 Silver
Poison Sting Ring A decorative ring with a painful and potentially deadly sting. Poison Delivery Uncommon,Silent, Tiny, Concealable,  DIsguised, Assassin Tool Has a small reservoir intended to store Poison and a small activated needle that goes through the Poison Reservoir and out into the victim’s Exposed Skin or Flesh. Melee Attack Required to Hit Aware Targets. 800 Silver