Boulder Worms

Boulder Worms are a type of ravenous armored worm that can grow to massive sizes.

Boulder Worms

Giant-Massive - Insectoid - Monoped


Boulder Worms start as small as a standard earthworm and, in fact, live alongside them for the better part of their infancy. They are killed and devoured by many other species as they grow and develop, and various species hunt their young and juveniles. However, when that worm reaches maturity, it will grow to such a massive size, that it has no natural predators, dwarfing most land mammals. When they reach these titanic sizes they grow armored plates all over their sides and backs that resemble gray stone, which itself often grows a layer of moss and lichen. At these proportions they become a menace to nearby settlements and villages as a Boulder Worm's boldness tends to grow with its size. The largest have even been said to attack homes and villages in broad daylight, while ignoring defending swords, spears and arrows.


Young and Juvenile Boulder worms can be found anywhere there is carrion or rotting plant matter. Since Boulder Worms lay eggs in large batches, their young tend to congregate on nearby food sources once they hatch. As they grow larger they distance themselves from each other, sometimes feeding on their siblings that did not grow as large as them. As adults, Boulder Worms are solitary creatures with ravenous appetites, they will attempt to consume anything smaller than themselves and are no longer satisfied with natural remains and plant matter. They spend their time roaming for their next meal and then hibernating after feeding. An Adult Boulder worm can go up to 30 days without food but will become more desperate as that time grows closer. After feeding boulder worms will curl up in a safe location and enter a deep sleep for up to 7 days. These sleeping boulder worms are often mistaken for natural formations as they are almost perfectly still and match temperatures with their surroundings while in that state.


20 22 8 5 14 1
5 6 -1 -2 2 -5
Size Giant
Movement 9 Meters Slithering
Attack Modifier +10
AC 16
HP 240
Armor 60
Domain Coasts, Caves, Undergrounds, Forests, Jungles, Swamps, Meadows, Prairies, Tundras, Deserts, Ruins 
Native Realm W


Slithering Movement

The creature primarily moves by having a large portion of its body in contact with the ground and uses either scales or rhythmic muscle contractions to move along the ground.

Effect: The creature can move up to its movement speed while slithering along the ground.


Effect: The Creature is particularly lengthy and it occupies all of its Map Tiles in a continuous line.

Armor Plates III

The creature possesses thick armor plates that act like heavy armor, protecting it from harm.

Effect: +10 AC, + 60 Armor Points and -4 DEX.

Ambush Hunter

The creature is capable of remaining perfectly still and blending with its surroundings so as to ambush prey.

Effect: The Creature adds a Destiny Die and +4 to all Stealth Skill Rolls.

Multi-Strike I

The creature can attack multiple times in rapid succession.

Effect: The creature is considered to possess a total of 2 Melee Attack Actions per turn.


Bite IV

The Creature possesses a Powerful Bite Attack.

Action: Melee Attack Action

Range: Adjacent

Damage: 2d6 + 7 Slash or Puncture Damage

Trample II

The Creature is capable of heavily trampling smaller creatures.

Action: Movement

Range: Movement Distance - 2.

Damage: 4d6 Blunt Damage

Effect: When this Creature Moves through their occupied Tile(s), Creatures 2 or more size categories smaller than this creature must pass a DC 14 DEX Saving Throw, or be dealt the Damage from this Ability. Prone creatures have Disadvantage on this Saving Throw.

Tail Strike IV

The Creature possesses a heavy tail capable of being weaponized.

Action: Melee Attack Action

Range: 2 Meters

Damage: 4d4 + 7 Blunt Damage.

Hit Effect: The creature must roll a DEX saving throw with a DC of 14. If they Fail, they are knocked prone.


Stat adjustments for more or less powerful versions of the same entry.

Encounter Level Stat Adjustments
7 Tail Strike II, Bite II, Armor Plates I, Trample I
9 Tail Strike III, Bite III, Armor Plates II
11 0
18 Tail Strike V, Bite V, Trample III, Multi-Strike II
26 Multi-Strike III