
( Combined Element ) Elementalism - Botanamancy Ability The ability to control and manipulate Plant Life in its most basic forms.

Plant Life - Elementalism

XP Cost: 1   Prerequisites: Elementalism, Solormancy and Earthmancy

Action Type(s) Motion, Action, Spell Attack
ARP Cost 1 (Motions Excluded)
Range 10 Meters
Area 4 Meters
Requirements 1 Free Hand
Sustain 1 ARP
Traits Visible, Audible

You can control and manipulate pliable living plant life such as Grass, Weeds, Leaves, Vines, Stems and Flowers, But not Roots or Woody Structures.

Using a Motion: Cause a 4 meter area of Plantlife within Range to immediately begin its fruiting, flowering, dormant or vegetating state. Causing a plant to rapidly(more than once a season) alter states has a 10% chance of killing the plant with Elemental Shock.

Botanical Healing: Using an Action, you can Restore up to 1d6 + Caster Modifier HP to a plant within Range,

Or Cause a Plant within range to Move and or Animate as you see fit(Plants cannot move more than 2 Meters away from their starting location),

Plant Attacks: Ranged Spell Attack +2 to Hit, 2d4 + Caster Modifier Slash Damage.

Plant Restraints: Creatures targeted must Roll DEX Saving Throw, the DC is equal to the Caster’s Spell Save DC.

Creatures who Fail are Immobilized until they Pass the DEX saving throw at the End of one of their Turns or the Restraining Plants are destroyed.

Creatures that Pass are Slowed until the end of their next turn.

Sustain: Sustaining this Ability allows animated Plants to Persist until you are no longer sustaining this Ability.

Overpower: The Caster can spend an additional Resource Pool Point to overpower this Ability and Add +1d4 Damage to this Abilities Attack,

Or Control the Actions and Movement of 1 Additional Plant within Range,

Or Add +1 to this Abilities DEX Saving Throws,

Or spend 2 additional Resource Points to cause Creatures Targeted by this Abilities “Restraints” to be Restrained if they Fail the Saving Throw and Immobilized if they Pass.