
Elementalism - Fleshmancy Ability The ability to control and manipulate Non-living Bone Mass.

Flesh - Elementalism

XP Cost: 2   Prerequisites: Fleshmancy

Action Type(s) Motion, Action, Spell Attack
ARP Cost 1 (Motions Excluded)
Range Personal / 10 Meters
Requirements 1 Free Hand
Sustain 1 ARP
Traits Visible, Audible

You can cause Non-Living Bone Matter to Move or Animate as you see fit or manipulate bone matter within your own body.

Using a Motion: You can Move, Stack, Combine or Animate up to 1 Sq. Meter of Bone within Range or heal a broken bone in your own body.

Bone Blade: You can make a Melee or Ranged Spell Attack using Bones from within Range or bones in your own body. If you Hit, Bone Blades deal 3d6 Blunt, Slash or Puncture Damage.

Bone Armor: Expend an action to form bone armor out of at least 10 kg of non-living bone within range or the bones within your own body. Doing so grants you 10 Armor Points. If you used your own bone and the 10 are points are removed you are considered to have a Broken Bone Wound Chosen by the Narrator.

Sustain: Sustaining this Ability allows Bone Sculptures to Persist until this ability is no longer being sustained.

Overpower: You can spend an additional Resource Pool Point to add +2 Meter(s) to the amount of bone matter you can control with a Motion,

Or Add 1d6 Blunt, Slash or Puncture Damage to your “Bone Blade” Attacks,

Or Add 5 Armor Points to the Effect of “Bone Armor”.