
( Combined Element ) Elementalism - Bloodmancy Ability The ability to control and manipulate Blood in its most basic forms.

Blood - Elementalism

XP Cost: 1   Prerequisites: Elementalism, Watermancy and Fleshmancy

Action Type(s) Motion, Action
ARP Cost 1 (Motions Excluded)
Range 10 Meters
Requirements 1 Free Hand
Sustain 1 ARP
Traits Visible, Audible

You can manipulate and control Blood you can see within range.

Using a Motion: You can manipulate up to 2 pints of blood, including causing it to move up to 6 meters, take on simple shapes and spread. Any blood sculptures you make will collapse at the end of your next turn.

Arterial Spray: Expend an Action to cause a living bleeding or wounded creature within Range to Roll a Constitution Saving Throw. The DC is equal to the Caster’s Spell Save DC.

If the target Fails the Saving Throw, they lose 3d8 + Caster Modifier HP.

If the target Passes the Saving Throw, they lose half the above HP.

Blood Harvest: Expend an Action to target a 1 Meter Blast centered on yourself. Any living bleeding or wounded creatures in the Area that you target must Roll a Constitution Saving Throw. The DC is equal to the Caster’s Spell Save DC.

If the target Fails the Saving Throw, they lose 2d8 HP.

If the target Passes the Saving Throw, they lose half the above HP.

Sustaining: Sustaining this ability causes your Blood Sculptures to persist until you are no longer in range or stop sustaining the effect.

Overpower: You can spend an additional Resource Pool Point to Increase the amount of blood controlled via a motion by +2 Pints,

Or Increase the Blast Area of this Ability’s “Blood Harvest” option by 1 Meter,

Or Increase the HP Loss dealt to bleeding or wounded living creatures by +1d8,

Or Increase the Range of this Ability by +5 Meters.