Alter Appearance

Makes small changes to the caster’s or willing creature’s appearance.

Tier I - Illusion - Spell

Makes small changes to the caster’s or willing creature’s appearance.

Spell Tier I
Action Type Motion
Mana Cost 1
Range Touch
Requirements One Free Hand
Sustainable 1 Mana
Spell Traits Audible, Visible

Description: With a wave of your hand over the desired area you create a thin illusory mask.

Effect: You may alter the size, shape, texture or color of an area no larger than 10x10cm. The keen observer can see past this illusion with a perception skill roll, the DC is equal to the caster Spell Save DC. This effect lasts until the end of the caster’s next turn or until this spell is no longer being sustained.

Overpower: The caster can spend 1 additional mana to increase the area of effect by an additional 10cm,

Or to increase the DC to perceive past the illusion by 2.