
Contains information about Abominations. Creatures created through chaotic or unnatural means.


Small-Massive - Abomination - Various Locomotion


Abominations are created through the forced melding of living tissue via magical or technological means. Their appearance varies from each series of abominations and their subsequent generations. There is no singular design scheme for abominations, but you know it when you see one. They almost always appear as ugly combinations of various fleshy body parts with limited sensory organs. Abominations are usually created for a particular task or to perform a specific experiment. They are routinely granted only limited intelligence so as to keep them from developing further than planned.

Despite all efforts, abominations often find ways to escape captivity and start reproducing, even when they are not designed to do so. Because of this many realms outright outlaw or forbid the creation of experimental organisms altogether.


Abominations can be found congregating in the sewers and alleys near research facilities and Mage’s Halls or perhaps guarding the tower of a deranged wizard. They seek out hidden spaces and crevices and come out only to feed. Little is known about their habits outside of captivity.

Abominations, by design, are usually capable of feeding on any sufficiently protein dense tissue and do not discriminate between plant and animal matter, actively foraging and hunting what is available, including trash, refuse and waste.

They have even been known to attack and consume mortal species and large animals when their combined mass exceeds their prey’s.


16 12 14 6 9 1
+3 +1 +2 -2 0 -4
Size Small - Medium
Movement 5 Meters Crawling
Attack Modifier +3
AC 12
HP 12
Armor 0
Domain Settlements, Cities, Sewers
Native Realm X




The creature is capable of squeezing through Tiny spaces and openings, despite its typical size. While squeezing the creature is considered to be moving through difficult terrain rather than Cramped.

Wall Crawling

The creature can use its crawling movement on vertical surfaces that are not Smooth, Greased or Polished.

Ceiling Crawling

The creature can use its crawling movement upside down on horizontal surfaces that are not Smooth, Greased or Polished.

Health Absorption I

This creature’s successful attacks grant it 1 HP per hit that deals damage to a creature’s HP.

Multi-Attack II (Bite)

The creature is capable of making Two additional Attack rolls when using the Attack listed type.

Bite I

The Creature possesses a bite attack that deals 1d4+2 Slash Damage.


Encounter Level Stat Adjustments
1 None
3 +1 AC, +6 HP, +1 Attack  
5 +2 AC, +10 HP, +2 Movement, +2 Attack 
7 +3 AC, +12 HP, +2 Movement, Bite II, +3 Attack 
9 +3 AC, +12 HP, +2 Movement, Bite II, Absorption II, +4 Attack
11 +4 AC, +18 HP, +3 Movement, Bite II, Absorption II, +4 Attack
18 +8 AC, +50 HP, +3 Movement, Bite III, Absorption III, Size Large, Multi-Attack III, +7 Attack
26 +12 AC, +100 HP, +3 Movement, Bite III, Absorption III, Size Huge, Multi-Attack III, Range +2, Swallow Whole, +8 Attack